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Thank You to all those who donated!

Donations for the 2011 MdS are now closed

Make a Donation


Donations help Mater provide the best care to every patient every day and support medical research to help everybody. One day it may even be you 


Do I need a connection to cancer?


No. Everyone has their own story. The fact you are interested in something bigger than yourself points to the fact you’re already a Smiddy person, and that you want to help.


Smiddy riders and triathletes are motivated by a host of reasons. Want to challenge yourself? Go for your life, and pick a Smiddy event.


That’s why many, many Smiddies have signed up. Smiddy can guarantee you your Smiddy journey will offer more than you expect – and you’ll be thankful it does


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Australian Residants click here to donate for an ATO tax recept

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